

Firstly Happy New Year everybody!!

I'm really excited for what this year has to offer, firstly I start my design internship at Teatum Jones!
I have to admit I hadn't heard of them before my placement mentor mentioned they were looking for interns. So of course entered google and was really excited by what I saw! It was kind of strange seeing a collection so similiar to my own aesthetic, strong effective prints mixed with androgenous-looking draped pieces which looked beautifully complex yet wearable. 
Thankfully my interview went well and I'll be starting in a couple of days! Really excited for what they have to offer for A/W 11/12.

6 months later... and I'll be going back to uni to get on with my final collection and by June 2012 I should have graduated!

...I'm hoping to grow alot as a designer and a person this year hence the title 'Evolving' which will be the name of my personal blog/diary of my thoughts, inspiration, internship etc.

Erykah Badu - Window Seat
As I want to record everything I've decided to keep my new blog private for the mean time as some of the info on it may be confidential to the company, so after they show their A/W 11/12 collection at Fashion Week I'll see if it's ok for me to share my experience then!

So here's some of my faves from Teatum Jones S/S11! Click the link to check out the rest of their collection! xx

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